Who are we? Meet the Inform'Elles team.


Marie Dussault
Marie DussaultProject Manager-Coordinator
Marie is a social worker by training and has a Master's in Public Policy. She is a feminist and has been involved with women's groups for over 30 years.
Cécile Bruyninckx
Cécile BruyninckxIntervenor against violence against women
In Vancouver for 23 years, Cécile worked for many years as a project manager in various Francophone organizations before graduating as a counsellor.
 Megane-Charlie Sauvé
Megane-Charlie SauvéCommunications Manager
Megane-Charlie is a Quebecer by birth and Franco-Colombian by adoption. She has been living on Vancouver Island for almost six years. She studied literature, with a particular interest in the place of women in this field.
Marie Josée Vermette
Marie Josée VermetteCoordonnatrice de projets
Marie Josée travaille à titre de coordonnatrice de projets. Son travail nous permet d’affiner les relations entre Inform’Elles et les différents acteurs du milieu, tant francophones qu’anglophones, à travers la province et le Canada.
Carelle B. Dunn
Carelle B. DunnDéveloppement web et conception graphique
Avec une profonde passion pour l’innovation et un œil aiguisé pour l’esthétique, Carelle combine une technologie de pointe avec un talent artistique pour rehausser notre présence en ligne.

Board of Directors

Jeanne Landry
Jeanne LandryChairman of the Board
Jeanne became involved in the movement by becoming a member of Réseau-Femmes Colombie-Britannique in the late 1990s and also helped found Inform'Elles.
Nicole Lemire
Nicole LemireVice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
Nicole has a Master's degree in Economics and over 20 years of experience in consulting and management, particularly in the community sector.
Camille Schoebel
Camille SchoebelTreasurer of the Board of Directors
Camille has a Bachelor of Law degree and strong analytical skills.